Our jury will award the best films through private screenings.
Films entered in multiple categories may win multiple awards.
* All winners will receive our official laurel leaves.
* All winners will receive a free print ready certificate (PDF/JPG file) via email.
* Winners may purchase statuettes for themselves and their teams. The official trophy is golden stars standing 12" high on a solid black crystal base. Available for purchase on our Filmfreeway page. for the cost of production and shipping.
Best Picture
Best Narrative Feature
Best Narrative Short
Best Indie Feature
Best Indie Short
Best Documentary Feature
Best Documentary Short
Best Animation
Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Horror
Best Action
Best Thriller
Best Sci-Fi
Best Fantasy
Best Mystery
Best Crime
Best Western
Best Parody
Best Film Noir
Best Experimental
Best Inspirational
Best Romance
Best Web Series
Best Music Video
Best Student Film
Best Director
Best 1st time Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Young Actor/Actress
Best Ensemble
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Original Score
Best Song
Best Sound Design
Best Visual Effects
Best Original Story
Best Original Screenplay
Best Production Design
Best Costumes
Best Trailer